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Accepting the Federal Direct Loan 

所有首次借款者(大一新生和新转学生) must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling.  Otherwise, the aid will not disburse to your account.  Counseling is important and recommended to all new students.  您将需要您的FSA ID和密码来完成入学咨询和主本票.  您可以在“http://fsaid”上创建或检索FSA ID和密码注:这与你在FAFSA申请上签名的信息是一样的).   To complete Entrance counseling, go to

Promissory Note


What is a Direct Master Promissory Note (MPN)?

MPN是一种期票,可用于一个或多个学年(最多10年)的贷款。. 直接贷款计划中有三种mpn:一种是直接补贴/无补贴贷款, one for Direct PLUS Loans, and Graduate PLUS Loans.

  • Subsidized: 根据联邦法规确定的有经济需要的学生. 如果学生在学校至少有一半的时间,则不收取利息, during the grace period, and during deferment periods. 这项规定取消了在6个月宽限期内对在7月1日或之后首次发放的补贴贷款提供的利息补贴, 2012, and before July 1, 2014. If you receive a subsidized loan during this timeframe, 在宽限期内产生的利息由你负责.
  • Unsubsidized: not based on financial need; interest is charged during all periods, 即使在学生在校期间,在宽限期和延期期间.
  • PLUS: 为受供养学生的父母和研究生/专业学生提供无补贴贷款. PLUS贷款帮助支付教育费用,最高可达出勤费减去所有其他经济援助. Interest is charged during all periods.

  • Log onto
  • Click on the Sign In box. You will be required to enter your FSA ID and Password.
  • 登入后,请选择完整主本票(MPN). 请确保为您接受的贷款类型选择所需的MPN.

Entrance & Exit Counseling

What is Entrance Counseling?

入学咨询是联邦政府对所有直接斯塔福德贷款(有补贴和无补贴)接受者的要求. 申请直接PLUS贷款的研究生,以前没有在直接贷款计划或FFEL计划下获得PLUS贷款, 是否需要完成入学咨询,即使你之前已经完成了有补贴或无补贴贷款.

  • Your rights and responsibilities as a borrower.
  • 利率、费用、还款计划和其他关于借款的重要细节.
  • Who to contact with questions.

Note: 你的贷款资金将不会发放,直到你已完成 Entrance Counseling.

  • Log onto
  • Click on the Sign In box. You will be required to enter your FSA ID and Password.
  • 一旦你登录,选择完成入学咨询. 您将需要大约30分钟来完成咨询.

What is Exit Counseling?

退出咨询是所有联邦直接斯塔福德贷款的联邦要求, Plus Loans and Federal Perkins Loan recipients. It is required before you withdraw, 毕业或出勤率低于一半(即使你打算转到另一所学校).退出咨询可以帮助你了解你作为学生贷款借款人的权利和责任. During the counseling, 您将学习有用的提示和信息,以帮助您管理贷款,如还款选择.

  • Log onto
  • Click on the Sign In box. You will be required to enter your FSA ID and Password.
  • Once you have logged in, select Complete Exit Counseling.

Repayment Options

  • Standard Repayment
  • Graduated Repayment
  • Extended Repayment
  • Pay as you Earn
  • Income-Sensitive
  • Income-Contingent
  • Income-Based
  • Loan Consolidation

  • Deferment
  • Forbearance
  • Flexible Pay
  • Loan Forgiveness


了解更多关于还款选择和策略,如果你有支付困难, click below.

U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid logo

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program

教育部设立了公共服务贷款减免计划(PSLF),以鼓励个人进入并继续全职从事公共服务工作. 公共服务贷款减免计划允许符合条件的借款人在符合条件的公共服务机构全职服务至少10年,并在10月1日之后每月支付120笔符合条件的贷款后,取消其直接贷款的剩余余额, 2007.

Repayment Calculator/Estimator



Pros & Cons of Consolidation

合并可以降低借款人的每月还款总额和简单的贷款还款. 因为合并贷款的还款期通常比大多数联邦直接贷款要长, the monthly payments may be lower. 然而,在较长的还款期内支付的总利息通常更高. If the borrower has more than one loan, 合并贷款简化了还款,因为只有一个贷款人和一个月付款. 如果满足某些条件,合并可能是违约借款人的一种选择. 借款人也应该意识到,他/她目前的贷款(尤其是珀金斯)可能会因为合并而失去一些延期和其他福利.